It has been the greatest thing to happen to me, and I think she would say the same thing. She makes me happy. We have had a lifetime of great memories and experiences and we've only been married a little over two years. It makes me excited to have so many more years and then onto eternity with her. She has been incredibly supportive while I finish my degree at UVU. I am a few semesters away from graduating with a degree in communications with a minor in business managment. I was always set on getting a business degree cause that's where I always thought I ultimately would end up...a "business man". After some thinking last summer I re-evaluated my degree choices and realized that speech communication was the area I had the most interest in. Learning about interpersonal communication, working in small groups, public relations, etc. That's really where my education interest are. The minor in business managment has been great, I can still take necessary courses from the business school that help build that part of my knowledge. I hope to now be a great communicator, involved in business and utimately business ownership. Sarah is a hair stylist with a great reputation. She has worked in a salon and will sometimes do hair from our home for close family and friends. We find joy in the simple things of life. Eating at good restaurants, good movies, good company, and game nights. We road trip as often as we can, St George and Las Vegas being the usual destinations (Sarahs parents in St George and the Turners, Sarahs sister, in LV). I have gotten to know I-15 through Southern Utah very well. It's also nice to have my family close by. Sarah has become the sister we never had in our family of all boys. Mom has loved the female addition.
Rednecks for Halloween 2013
Killers concert with Megan and Spencer
Date night (can you guess the restaurant by the cup?)
Road Trip
Maui 2012 when we almost moved there to manage a gelato shop
The biggest news for our little family was the birth of Samea Louise Ngatuvai! She was born on March 14, 2014. She weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and came out with a head full of dark hair.
Samea (Suh-may-uh) is Sarah's Samoan grandmother from four generations back. Louise is my Maternal Grandmother. We had a hard time deciding on a name during the pregnancy, but when she made her debut, we both instantly knew that was her name.
We went in for our weekly checkup two weeks out from her due date which was March 31st, and just a few hours later she was born! It's a longer story with some incredible experiences that Sarah and I had but the best part was having her born healthy and strong. Talk about a surprise birthday party...
Going through a pregnancy, and now being new parents has built our family with more trust and love. We love Samea so much. The other day Sarah and I were talking about how we can't imagine life without Samea, its truly a feeling like we were just waiting for her to come, knowing all along she was on her way. She is a little over two months old now. She smiles, cries, eats, poops, and smiles some more. She looks so much like Sarah did as a baby. She has a Tongan tint as I like to say, she's Sarah with darker features. She's beautiful like her Mom. I get to spend my nights with her. It has worked out well since I have always been a night owl. She keeps me company as I do homework or watch Sports Center. She already understands her fathers love of sports and who I hope wins the NBA title this year (GO SPURS!---only because Kobe abd my Lakers are down this year). She came into this world with so much love. She is blessed with grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins that loved her before she was even born. We have been so thankful for the help from our families, especially our parents and siblings that show support and love. We love our Mea girl!
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