Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I have arrived...and no one's here.

I am thinking that probably two people will read my blog...my Mom, and myself (Mom, no pressure if you don't feel like reading, I won't hold it against you...maybe just a little.) I was sitting here during a very productive afternoon at work when the thought crossed my mind that it was time to start a blog. The reason I think blogging is something for me is mostly due to the fact that I really like reading other blogs. I have to be completely honest, I have been a blog creeper for years. For those of you who don't blog creep, it's when an individual comes across someones blog, finds it interesting, and eventually follows that persons entire life story to only then realize how creepy they have become. I am not that extreme, I promise, but I do enjoy reading my friends and families blogs every now and then. It really is a good way to connect with each other and get the 411 on people you don't talk with very often. Another reason I want to blog is because most anyone that knows me would never think of me as "a blogger". I rarely update my facebook status, and when I do it's usually to announce some life changing event like getting engaged, mission calls, Britney Spears birthday, etc. This blog can be my place to write what I want and talk about random things that interest me (especially knowing you won't judge me, Mom.) Who knows, maybe this blog will propel me to the world of blogging superstardom!? Yeah, you're right...it won't.